The RMHS Black Maskers Drama Program Proudly Presents...
Almost, MaineA woman carries her heart, broken into nineteen pieces, in a small paper bag. A man shrinks to half his former size, after losing hope in love. A couple keep the love they have given each other in large red bags, or compress the mass into the size of a diamond. These playful and surreal experiences are commonplace in the world of John Cariani’s Almost, Maine, where on one deeply cold and magical Midwinter Night, the citizens of Almost -- not organized enough for a town, too populated for a wilderness -- experience the life-altering power of the human heart. Relationships end, begin, or change beyond recognition, as strangers become friends, friends become lovers, and lovers turn into strangers. Propelled by the mystical energy of the aurora borealis and populated with characters who are humorous, plain-spoken, thoughtful, and sincere, Almost, Maine is a series of loosely connected tales about love, each with a compelling couple at its center, each with its own touch of sorcery.
Play description from Dramatists Play Services. ADULT PRODUCTION TEAM
Producing Artistic Director - Emily Davis Technical Supervisor - Eric Rodney Music Direction - Sydney Clarke Pit Director - Dr. Peter Perry Choreography - Rachel Herman |
March 15, 16 AT 7:00 P.M. March 16, 17 AT 2:00 P.M. at Richard Montgomery High School Auditorium 250 Richard Montgomery Drive, Rockville, MD 20852 PRICING: General Admission $15 Students & Seniors $10 All tickets must be purchased through our online ticketing platform. Please click the button below to purchase tickets. Ticket Sales begin February 15! Masks have been optional in MCPS schools and facilities since March 8, 2022. |